Fitness For People

English: Fitness
English: Fitness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Fitness for people

Being fit is a demand set by individuals; this is one of the most important goals people set in everyday life. Fitness is a quality of being particularly suited for a role. Being fit is not all about the body but is about mental state aswell.  Being fit ensures your mind and body will not be disturbed.

Being fit and healthy are related, to have good health a person need to remain fit so in many ways fitness and health are synonyms. But have you heard of the evolution theory? It clearly states only the fit of all species can survive and pass on there genes. So this means that being fit also depends on the environment you live in. A person can adapt to any environment in order to survive.

Some people have different mindsets on fitness, they don’t think that fitness is important, they want to enjoy the pleasures of life but how can you enjoy life when you are sick all of the time.

By being fit you will enjoy life more it will freshen you up, keep you going for the challenges you will face ahead, it makes it easier for you to avoid catching harmful illness it makes you enjoy the pleasures of life.

People’s main stumbling block is being lazy, not wanting to go to the GYM. Think of the free time you have as an opportunity of being fit, this should be your responsibility and you should be in the right frame of mind if you want to make things happen.

When you start training to be physically fit, the focal point of your training is distributed into different categories.

-Body composition
-Muscle strength
-Muscle endurance
-Cardiovascular fitness

-Reaction time

Aerobic exercises are with oxygen, this can be swimming, running, walking, canoeing etc. This type of exercise makes your heartbeat faster and blood flow increases. You should be doing aerobic exercise atleast 4 times a week, this will help strengthen your heart this exercise is key if you want to reduce weight.

Anaerobic exercise this is without oxygen, this is strength training this training focuses on muscle and strength it includes push ups, sit ups, weight lifting etc.  This can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis etc.

Your flexibility can improve by pulling your muscles to the full extent, doing gymnastics are very beneficial if you want to be flexible.

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